Teaching Diary 8(-7)

Today was the official report date for all teachers. We convened and got t-shirts. They were all the same on the front– red on black, reading “Bulldog Nation” with a background picture of a dreamcatcher. The back had one word written in white– the catch was, there was a choice of words: “Honor… Courage… Love… Dream… Wonder… Imagine… Believe…” which is the first one I went for, but apparently many others had to; so I went for “Imagine” instead, pretty apt for a reading teacher, methinks.

Later I met with my colleagues in 6th grade ELA, and started to scratch the surface of planning instruction. Soon it was off to our first social function– bowling!

Have you ever tried to sleep-write? It doesn’t work so well. Here is one of the videos we watched as a whole group this morning. We can all be someone’s rainbow sometime…